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Why Tooth Extraction Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Why Tooth Extraction Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Many people still believe tooth extraction to be an unnecessary and dangerous procedure. Owing to my personal experiences, however, I can assure you there’s no ‘danger element’ involved and it is a very important procedure to go through in order to avoid a number of tooth-related complications down the line.

Getting a tooth pulled out becomes necessary in some cases, and even though patients might suffer from feelings of fear and anxiety, there is barely any pain throughout the procedure since dentists numb the affected area using gels and anesthetics.

Tooth Extraction

Here are some important things you should know before completely shunning the idea of a tooth extraction:


What Is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the removal of tooth or teeth through a sequence of procedures. Before extracting the tooth out from the socket, your dentist will check how badly it is damaged.

If the damage is at a bare minimum, your dentist will either install a filling in your tooth or place a crown in the socket. If the tooth is beyond repair, then tooth extraction is a must. The empty socket will gradually heal which can later be covered with a crown so that basic functions are not hindered.


What Are the Types of Extractions?

There are two types of extractions:

Normal Extraction
The tooth is systematically extracted by the dentist. First, the area is numbed, then the tooth is loosened using an ‘elevator.’ Finally, it is pulled out. This is a quick, easy, and reliable method of removing badly infected or damaged teeth.

Surgical Tooth Removal
Tooth extraction surgery is performed when the tooth breaks off while it is still attached to your gum. Or, the damage done by cavities becomes extensive and starts to affect your gums. Under those circumstances, the dentist will have to manually cut the surrounding gum to remove the tooth fragments which are still attached.


When Do You Need Tooth Extraction?

Usually, when a tooth starts to decay due to caries or cavities, the infection slowly reaches the root of the tooth. Once the cavity spreads to the surrounding gum, the dentist will have to remove that tooth.

Another reason is when you have teeth in unwanted places. There are cases when a tooth appears in unlikely areas such as the roof of the mouth or when the alignment of the teeth is not right, usually due to wisdom teeth. In both cases, the best advice any dentist will give is to get your teeth extracted.


Is It Bad to Have a Tooth Pulled?

The benefits of tooth extraction are numerous, and everywhere it is the most recommended procedure by dentists to recover from cavities and infections. Here’s why it is not bad to have a tooth pulled:

  • Missing teeth can cause chewing problems. You have to switch chewing sides so that the affected area isn’t damaged further. Getting your tooth extracted helps do away with this nuisance entirely.


  • If you’re experiencing pain due to tooth decay, extraction will instantly subdue all pain and discomfort.


  • The affected area needs to be treated immediately as not doing so may lead to further dental complications such as gum disease. Getting your tooth extracted will not only eliminate all pain but help you enjoy good oral health and hygiene over the years.



How Painful Is Having a Tooth Pulled?

Having a tooth pulled may cause some discomfort or pain. However, your dentist will use a local anesthetic during the extraction process and prescribe over-the-counter medication during the recovery process to reduce pain. In some cases, your dentist will use a general anesthetic to prevent pain during the extraction process.


How Long Does Pain Last after Having Your Tooth Pulled?

It is normal to feel some pain for 3-7 days after a simple tooth extraction procedure. In the case of surgical extractions, the pain may last for a few weeks. However, taking over-the-counter medicines will help you manage the pain. Tooth extraction recovery process takes around 1-2 weeks.


What Will You Feel after Having Your Tooth Pulled?

You will feel some pain after a tooth extraction when the anesthesia wears off. There may be some swelling and residual bleeding for 24 hours after having your tooth pulled. Call your dentist if you experience:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Severe bleeding or pain
  • Fever and chills
  • Cough, chest pain, shortness of breath


What to Expect after Tooth Extraction?

Once your tooth has been removed, your dentist will provide some after-care instructions. It’s important to follow their advice for oral care so there is no pain and discomfort after tooth extraction and you recover quickly.


What to Do after a Tooth Extraction

It’s important to know what you can do to minimize pain and discomfort, speed up the recovery process, and reduce the risk of infection. Here’s what you should do after tooth extraction:

  • Take painkillers that are prescribed by your dentist.
  • Bite on the gauze pad firmly but gently to reduce bleeding and let a clot get formed in the socket.
  • Leave the gauze pad in place for 3-4 hours after the procedure. Change them when they get soaked with blood.
  • Apply an ice bag on the affected area for about 10 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.
  • Rest for 24 hours and limit your activity for at least two days.
  • Avoid rinsing, spitting, or using a straw for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, you can rinse with a solution made of 8 ounces of warm water and ½ a teaspoon of salt.
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid the extraction site while brushing and flossing your teeth


What to Eat after a Tooth Extraction?

It’s recommended to eat soft foods such as cool soup, ice cream, smoothies, pudding, and yogurt for a week after a tooth extraction. Avoid acidic, spicy foods and crunchy snacks.

If you’re still not satisfied with understanding why tooth extraction becomes crucial under certain circumstances, give us a call now at (301) 754 1900 or (301) 853 1567 to get the best advice from Dr. Allen and his team of specialists.

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