After Dental Implant Surgery in Silver Spring and Hyattsville, Md.
Getting a dental implant is a surgical procedure, and there are some things you should know about the postoperative period. At our dental offices in Silver Spring and Hyattsville, Maryland, we provide specific dental implant surgery aftercare instructions to ensure a speedy recovery for our patients.
Here are some questions patients may have about dental implant surgery aftercare:
What can I expect after dental implant surgery?
You may experience some discomforts after the surgery, such as:
- Pain at the dental implant site
- Swelling of gums and face
- Minor bleeding
- Bruising of gums and skin
If the problems get worse after 2-3 days of surgery, contact your dentist.
What should I know about dental implant surgery aftercare?
If you take good care of yourself, you will be back to your normal routine in no time.
- You should rest for 48 to 72 hours after your implant surgery
- Avoid strenuous exercise for a few days after the surgery.
When you get back into your exercise routine, if your implant site starts to throb or bleed, you should stop immediately.
- Avoid touching the site of the implant with your fingers or tongue.
- If you received implants in your upper jaw, avoid blowing your nose for two weeks.
Some minor bleeding is normal. You can bite down on a damp piece of gauze to stop minor bleeding.
What to eat after dental implant surgery?
It is important to get adequate nutrition after surgery even though you may not feel like eating (however, make sure you wait until the local anesthetic wears off before trying to eat or drink).
- You can start with cold, filling drinks, such as Ensure or Instant Breakfast.
- Stick to soft foods for a few days before you return to your regular diet.
- Even with soft foods, chew on the side of your mouth opposite to the implant.
- Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
- Stick to cold drinks. Avoid hot drinks and hot food on the first day.
How long will I have pain after dental implant surgery?
You may experience some pain for about a week or up to 10 days after your dental implant surgery. However, your dentist will give some pain medications that will help in reducing the pain. Avoid taking Aspirin as it may increase bleeding.
How long does swelling last after dental implant surgery?
You may have some swelling and/or bruising after the procedure. This will usually be at its worst two to three days after your surgery and will last for 5 to 7 days.
Use an ice pack to bring down the swelling, holding it on the cheek for 10 minutes and then removing it for 20 minutes.
- You can use heat one day after your procedure.
- Laying down with your head slightly elevated will help in reducing swelling.
How do I clean my mouth after dental implant surgery?
It is very important that you keep up good oral hygiene habits after your procedure.
Brush your teeth as you normally would but avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days. After that, carefully brush the implant area.
A warm salt water mouth rinse will help with healing and can rinse debris off of teeth. Use a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt.
If you experience an increase in pain and swelling, or if the bleeding persists in 2-3 days after your implant surgery, you should call us at (301) 754-1900 (White Oak Office) or (301) 853-1567 (Hyattsville Office) right away. Dr. Allen Gotora and the staff at Stellar Dental will help you get better and recover quickly!